Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Energy collecting night....

Someone asked me if they celebrate Halloween here. The locals do not, but the Ex-Mo. compounds here celebrate anything American! If it's observed in America then we will have a function or event celebrating it here. I have learned that there are a big bunch of women here looking for any excuse to celebrate and socialize! I would be included in that group.
Just in case you were wondering...
Here are my little hero's.....and "my hero's" they truly are!

They fight the bad guys and keep things in order around this part of the world! Evan could not even see out of his mask but that did not keep him from wearing it all night. He could not believe that there were sooo many spidermen on this compound!

And wouldn't you know it...his best buddy Collin was spiderman too! How could he have kept it from him for so long? This only meant one thing.....

there were going to be even more bad guys... going down!!!

There was a block party nearby my hero's can be located on the far left hand corner. Then it was off to collect all of the energy bars we could find to fight crime.

Meanwhile back at headquarters, Daddy was generously donating energy food to the needy. He's always been so generous and this night was no exception!

A good time was had by all!!!
And enough energy food was collected to last five years... well maybe,
Mommy and Daddy need energy too!
We hope your "energy collecting night" was as plentyful!

1 comment:

mreid72 said...

Hey Eric and Sandy! Glad y'all had a good Halloween. Hope all continues to go well for you. I enjoy reading about your life over there. Keep posting!