Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The red light is on....

August 10th seemed like an eternity away! I can hardly believe that it is almost time for my Erik to come home, he will have been gone a total of 3 weeks, and just today, we found out that our Visas are fully processed and we are "clear for take off". I'm now starting to get cold feet. ;-(
On the bright side, I have busied myself and used my time wisely, our things are in order and that brings me some level of comfort. Now, the international movers will determine our departure date. (I hope they are having a very busy month!) ;-)
Stay tuned for the "date" everyone has been asking about...
I'm praying for courage, guidance and always His will, I know that God will supply us with what we need to move forward.
Much Love to all,

p.s. Our Bible classes have red lights in each room. This is to quietly let the teacher know that it's almost time to come to an end. The red light is on...

1 comment:

Betty said...

We will hope for a long... red light. We will miss all of you dearly, but what exciting adventures lay ahead. We will love staying connected to you through this blog and learning of your experiences.